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Google Maps updated with India specific features!!!

Ashish srivastava2619 08-Jun-2017

              Google Maps updated with India specific features!!!

Google is gearing to roll out a new home screen for Google Maps on Android, specifically designed for people in India.

Advertisement Shortcuts on Google Maps home screen will now show more details about public transport lines on specific routes.

Google is gradually moving to launch a new home screen for Google Maps on Android that is particularly designed for Indian users. The update will begin to roll out this week. Google will add new shortcuts on the home screen of the app that will instantly let users see directions cards, satellite imagery of a place as well as real-time information about traffic. The new home screen has been designed to load faster.

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Cathay Bi, Product Manager Google Maps said “We hope this new home screen provides a much more intuitive and faster experience for people in India. The Maps team will continue to evolve our products to make them useful no matter where you go or what you do, especially for the millions of people coming online for the first time”.

Coming to directions cards, these will be shown with different modes of transportation including bus, on foot and more. Users can save routes using download button, to access them in offline mode. Shortcuts will now show more details about public transport lines on specific routes, on Google Maps home screen.

Google Maps for Android and iOS was recently updated to add a new feature that lets users save their parking location, browse through places they’ve saved as well as stay connected with family and friends. Users will be able to add their parking location to the map, locate where they parked their car and add additional details like parking level and spot, amount of time left before the meter expires etc. to parking cards.

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